Trimble TerraFlex

One system for data confidence.
Unify your geospatial data collection activities with a single system for everyday work. From field to office maintain complete control of your geospatial data stream with Trimble® TerraFlex™ software.
Be in control.
Easy to use, simple forms you can configure to your requirements.
Push forms out to the field so everyone is working the same.
Everyone on your team will deliver standardized, consistent data from the field.
Trimble TerraFlex is a cloud-based software solution you can use to centralize your data and deliver high accuracy positioning. TerraFlex allows you to create digital templates so you can collect accurate GIS data and asset information all in one place. It can be used with a variety of collection devices such as phones, tablets or hand-held data collectors. Having a central place to send data allows you to now have a complete view of what is going on out in the field. With TerraFlex your entire company becomes more organized and efficient, anytime, anywhere.
Fast, real time. Field data you can trust, now.
- Greater efficiency with up-to-date information in the field
- Data is automatically synced to the office so information is immediately at your fingertips
- With a central place to send data you have a complete overview of what is going on in the field
- Import and export to a variety of common formats for seamless integration to current systems